BMW E31 8-Series Seat Trim Cover Front
Additive remanufacturing of the plastic cover of the seat belt on the front seat of a BMW 850 E31 sports car.
Remanufacturing was justified by the fact that the old coverings were outdated and not commercially available.
The CAD models that form the basis of the production were created based on the dimensions of the geometries of the mesh models made by 3D scanning of the original part.
Based on redesigned CAD models, prototypes are made with 3D printing, with the help of which we check whether the new covers fit together properly and can be installed correctly in place of the original parts.
After tests, the CAD models, modified as necessary, are suitable for the functional production of the final covers.
For additive manufacturing, we chose powder-bed MJF technology, which is cost-effective for the production of smaller series and its raw material, PA12 Nylon, is excellent for the additive manufacturing of plastic car parts.