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Based on our customer's order, used car seat sponges had to be re-modelled using 3D scanning.
The goal is to create a mold for the production of seat sponges. Technical drawings containing dimensions were made from CAD models.
3D printed scale models
Task: We needed to create a CAD model of a small 1:22 scale MV Agusta 500 cc 3 cl motorbike that could be enlarged and 3D printed.

Production of a car radiator part
For parts that are no longer commercially available or particularly expensive, additive manufacturing is worth considering. Examples of such components may include connections for automotive cooling systems....
Design and manufacture of electronic instrument boxes
Our partner commissioned us to design and manufacture an instrument housing with a price-performance ratio and quality that matches the budget of the project. Water flow warning system

Remodelling of functional vehicle parts
The worn and deformed dashboard console cover on the fuel tank of a 2014 Harley-Davidson FXDF Dyna Fat Bob needed to be remodelled.
BMW E31 8-Series Seat Trim Cover Front
Additive remanufacturing of the plastic cover of the seat belt on the front seat of a BMW 850 E31 sports car.

Hella electrical switchboard cover
- Preparation of a 3D CAD model based on the original part.
- Scanning with an Artec Eva Lite hand scanner and processing with the Artec Studio 16 software.
Rebuilding a cracked cast iron cover of a Kubota tractor Cardan drive
Task: CAD modelling of a cracked cardan drive cover on a 12 HP Kubota small tractor and preparation of a technical drawing for CNC remanufacturing.

Indicator glass remodelling
Checking the sample provided by the client, looking for defects, damages, and deformations that need to be corrected when creating the new CAD model. When re-modelling old, used parts, a comprehensive examination of the samples to list the defects that have developed over time and use is crucial.
Production with the additiv Boat plastic componente process
A part of a motorboat hull component is lost. The original parts have been made using a traditional composite laminating process, where the majority of the costs are due to template manufacturing of sufficient quality. Template quality is important because the final product surface finish depends on the template quality.
A template is a tool for producing a finished product. In this case, the production costs are high because a template capable of producing multiple parts must be manufactured even for one single part.

Szil-Bútor Bt. Window Renovation
Assignment: CAD modelling of window decorations for CNC production.
- Scanning of patterns on old window decoration battens and frames.
- Preparation of CAD models and true drawings based on the scanned files. Used tools include Artec Eva Lite hand scanner, Artec Studo 16 software for scan file processing, Shapr3D and Rhinoceros7 CAD software.
- Prototyping based on the CAD models of the template with 3D additive process (using Ultimaker S5 3D printer)
- Sample approval, preparation of CAD model for CNC production.
BMW 3 SERIES E46 Convertible WIND DEFLECTOR MOUNT set, right and left side
- The commercially available plastic part is expensive and brittle. Finding a manufacturing solution with additive process, which is not brittle and costs less than the commercially available product.
- Determining the operational environment, force effects, UV radiation etc.

FÉSZ Zrt. Hotel Fagus Renovation Replacement of Balcony Door Lock Panels
This iAssignment: Replacement of Balcony Door Lock Panels:
- Replacement of injection-moulded plastic and aluminum panels with additive process.
- Site survey, scanning of parts using an Artec Eva Lite hand scanner.
- Processing of scanned file, CAD model preparation considering additive process criteria.
- Prototyping with 3D SLA and FDM printing, shape and mechanical testing.
- Client's approval, preparation of final CAD models for manufacturing.
- Serial production, manufacturing over 100 parts with MJF additive process.